Thursday, January 21, 2010

So I can't believe how my girls are growing up so fast. I accomplished 2 things that I thought would take forever so quickly! Macklie is going on the potty and Berklee is crawling!! They are both doing so well! Macklie talks a mile a minute and has become a little girl. She is so smart I guess to her mom!!! She she count to 10, knows her ABS's, reconizes most of the letters, and knows her colors and she is just so funny how she just picks up on things so fast! She is my best bud! Loves to clean and keep things in order. She is so awesome! Berklee is so OPPOSITE! She is a fiesty little thing that demands my attention all the time! She wants me in her sight at all times and now that she can crawl she makes sure she can find me! She is not at all easy going like Macklie was. She is so busy and very LOUD! but I sure do love her and those EYES make my heart melt. I can't wait for her to grow and see her personality. They are the best of buds and just love each other so much that is so fun. Brandon has been enjoying ice fishing and since there has not been a lot of snow he has been home a lot and spending time with us!! I've been very busy with hair and man is it hard with a child that is not so patient! Macklie could sit for hours while I did a color! Berklee sits for 5 min. and cries! But we have survived! So we are doing good and life is GREAT! So there is a little update!!

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you guys are doing great!! and isn't so funny how you have 2 adorable girls who are soooo oppisate?? i totally know how it is, bradyn and shaylee are so oppisate too, at least it gives a little spice to life right? ;)
